The One Where the Friends meet Mon, Fidi and Green




Diese Episode haben wir zusammen geschrieben, wobei jedem von uns 2 der Friends zugeteilt und die Szenen zusammengeschnitten wurden.



Monica: the real one

Mon: me, when both of the Monicas are at the same place, if they're not, it's just Mon.



[Scene: In the Central Perk, all the Friends are there]


Phoebe: Who wants a Latte?


Ross: Oh, I want one.


Rachel: Me too.


Chandler: Me too.


Joey: Me too.


Monica: I want one too.


[Phoebe goes over to Gunther]


[cut back to Monica, Chandler, Ross, Joey and Rachel]


Joey: [looks around] Oh no.


Monica: What?


Joey: I see, like, five new girls here I haven’t slept with!!


Rachel: [confused] So?


Joey: Can you imagine? First you struggle to get all the girls, and then suddenly a big bunch of new girls arrive! Wow, looks like I have something to do in the next days…


[the others all roll their eyes]


Chandler: Joey freaks out when he sees girls he haven’t slept with, but I am like the total opposite, I freak out if I see girls I have slept with…


Monica: Chandler?


Chandler: [cranky] All right, that never happened before, but if I really see one, I would freak out!!!!


[Phoebe comes back and hands the drinks out]


Phoebe: OK, Rachel, here’s your Latte…Monica: yours, Joey: yours, and here’s Ross’s, [to Chandler] Here’s your orange juice.



-Opening Credits (and we’re in it!!! ;)-




[at the kiosk: chandler is looking for a cook magazine for Monica]


[a strange woman goes to him]


Strange woman: Chandler? Chandler Bing?


Chandler: (turns around) yes?


Strange woman: It’s, it’s me, Monica.


Chandler: Oh my god, Monica! (they hug)  what are you doing here? I thought you moved to Europe?


Mon: yeah, I did, but I’m having vacation here.


Chandler: wow, that’s great! How have you been?


Mon: good, very good, I’m married (shows him the ring) an I have two kids (shows him two pictures) how have you been?


Chandler: great, really great too. I’m married too (shows her the ring) but we don’t have kids though… so, there’s pretty much nothing to show you…


[they go to the cash desk]


Mon: wow, but that’s great, who is the lucky girl?


Chandler: Monica Bing, you know her?


Mon: you mean Monica Geller? Well, I don’t know her, but I heard from her…


Chandler: yeah, sure, she’s a Bing now, because of the marriage…


[Chandler pays for the cook magazine]


Mon: is she still… you know…


Chandler: fat? No, no, she’s hot [a strange look from Mon] I meant  notnot fat…


Mon: you are just the same guy, you haven’t changed at all!


Chandler: well, you have changed a bit, I mean you’re woman, and I really haven’t changed?


Mon: yes, sure you did, you’re a man…but I mean you’re the same… guy who… kinda speaks way too much in some situations, y’know?


Chandler: (thinks about that) yeah, you’re right


Mon: (looks at the magazine chandler bought) “cook and enjoy”? are you a chef?


Chandler: no, no, my wife is and I’m buying that for her.


Mon: wow, where does she cook?


Chandler: at Javu’s, you know it?


Mon: yeah, I had dinner there last night! It was very good! So, I have to go, a friend is waiting. But it was nice meeting you again!


Chandler: yeah, it was! Do you wanna have a cup of coffee some time?


Mon: yeah, sure!


Chandler: I can give you my number so, you can give me a call… or not…


Mon: yeah, that sounds great!


Chandler: (writes his number on a paper) there you go.


Mon: thanks. OK, see you later then.


Chandler: yeah, bye! (to himself) she is never gonna call me….



[scene: Central Perk; Joey, Rachel and Emma are there]


Rachel: Oh umm honey, could you ask Gunther for one Latte Machiato?


Joey: OK but why don’t you ask?


Rachel: Oh it’s because of Emma!


Joey: [can’t follow Rachel] Emma wants a Latte?


Rachel: No, the Latte is for me, but I wanna teach Emma new words!


Joey: Well … Rachel, perhaps I’m dumb and maybe I don’t understand you but where’s the coherence?


Rachel: Look, Emma learns new words by conversations. And if you talk with Gunther and she’s listening she learns new words!


Joey: For example ‘Latte Machiato’?


Rachel: [is glad Joey understands] Yeah!


Joey: But you can talk with him too! And besides you can talk with me too! And again do you really think ‘Latte Machiato’ is the best word to learn English?


Rachel: [is offend] There you are! [stands up and gets a coffee]


Joey: [to Emma] Hey, if you wanna learn English I would start with easy words! For example: Women! You will need it! [twinkles]


Rachel: [comes back] Well, Joey here’s my Latte!


Joey: Look, you got it!


Rachel: [becomes cross with Joey, whispers] Emma!


Joey: [understands] Oh! But Rachel I have an idea which is better! You could teach her names! I mean if she could speak names like Monica or Chandler there’s somebody who’s glad about this!


Rachel: Yeah that’s sweet! [stops] But she shouldn’t say Monica! She should say aunt Monica and then she gets her tongue round it!


Joey: Chandler?


Rachel: Uncle Chandler!


Joey: [quickly] I see! And Ross reminds of horses, doesn’t it?


Rachel: No she already says Daddy!


Joey: Me?


Rachel: Yeah, Phoebe is groovy! Let’s teach her ‘Phoebe’!


Joey: [disappointed] Yep! [leans forward to Emma] Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe, Phoebe …


Rachel: [gets crazy] Stop it! You can’t do it this way! We must start a conversation about Phoebe!


Joey: OK, well, listen … she’s a nice guy! And she’s pretty! Also she’s fond of animals! …


Rachel: Wow her name was mentioned very, very, very often!


Joey: What’s the matter?


Rachel: You’ve always said ‘She’!


Joey: OK … PHOEBE is a nice guy! And PHOEBE is pretty! Also PHOEBE is fond of animals!


[a girl turns around]


Girl: Oh thank you [smiles]


Joey: [surprised] You are welcome!


Rachel: [to the girl] You’re called Phoebe too?


Girl: Oh sorry I thought you’re speaking with me. No, I’m Fidi. Hi! May I join you?


Joey: Of course!


Rachel: Sure.


Fidi: [sits down] Well, I don’t know anyone here. And I felt so alone while I’ve stood in the middle of the café and didn’t know what to do.


Rachel: You’re alone? What’s the matter? Haven’t you any friends?


Fidi: Sure, but not in this country.


Rachel: Where are you from?


Fidi: Germany.


Rachel: That’s wicked!


Fidi: And you’re real New Yorker?


Joey: Realer than real!


Fidi: [looks to Joey] Cool!


Joey: [notices her look] How you doin?


Fidi: I’m fine, thanks [grins] And how are you?



[Scene: Somewhere in the streets of NY, Ross is buying a magazine, Phoebe waits for him, Green comes along the street]


Green: Oh my God!


Phoebe: [turns around, with a scared expression on her face] Janice!?


Green: [excited] Hi! I can’t believe this! I’m a big fan, you know? You’re just a great actress!


Phoebe: Oh! I think you mean my twin sister, Ursula. The porn star!


Green: [laughs] You’re so funny!


Phoebe: [confused] What?


Green: I never expected to meet Lisa Kudrow here in New York…


Phoebe: Who are you talking about? I’m Phoebe Buffay!


Green: That’s right, you play Phoebe Buffay, and you’re just great. Could I please have your autograph, Lisa?


Phoebe: Phoebe. Phoe – Be! [Grabs a pen and gives Green her autograph]


[Ross turns around]


Green: [sees Ross] Oh this is so unbelievable….


Ross: What? [to Phoebe] Who’s that?


Phoebe: Be nice to her. She’s a fan.


Ross: [smiles] Oh, you mean, you read my book?


Phoebe: No, no, no. She’s MY fan.


Green: No, I’m a fan of both of you! I’m sooo lucky, Lisa Kudrow AND David Schwimmer on one day…


Ross: Who are you talking about?


Green: You guys.


Ross: I’m Ross Geller!


Green: That’s awesome! You’re both so much in your roles!


Phoebe: [to Ross] What’s that on your bag?


Ross: Oh, that’s a dinosaur badge, I got it from one of my students. [shows Phoebe and Green the badge proudly]


Phoebe: [bored]Oh, you and your dragons.


Green: [surprised] You’re really just Ross and Phoebe? Not Lisa and David?


Ross: Yes! I don’t know why you would think that! [To Phoebe] OK, Pheebs, let’s go have lunch. [Wants to leave Green behind]


Green: [quickly] I love dinosaurs!!


Ross: [pushes Green with them] I think you should come with us.



[at Monica (the real one) and chandler’s: they are sitting on he couch, watching TV]


(the phone rings)


Monica: I’ll get it. (to the phone) hello? (pause) yeah, he’s here, hang on. (to chandler, gives him the phone) it’s me!


Chandler: (to the phone) hello?


Mon: (me, on the phone) hey chandler, it’s me.


Chandler:  oh, hey, Monica! Great that you called!


[the Monica is confused, she turns on the loudspeaker)


Mon: yeah, I wanted to go back to your offer, having a coffee…


[Monica looks at him mad, chandler does a sign that he’ll explain it later]


Chandler: (to the phone) oh, that’s great! When do you have time?


Mon: I don’t  know, I’m kinda  free all the time, I’m on vacation!


Chandler: yeah, right. So, you wanna come by this afternoon?


Mon: yeah, sure! Where do you live?


Chandler: it’s 495 Grove Street, apartment 20, you know where it is?


Mon: I don’t know, but I try to find that…


Chandler: yeah, if you don’t, just call, I’ll catch ya up.


Mon: OK, then see you this afternoon!


Chandler: yeah, bye


Mon: bye!


[Chandler hangs up]


Monica: are we seeing other people now?? Oh, then let me call my new boyfriend Chandler!


Chandler: no, no, that was an old friend. I know her from kindergarten time, my first girlfriend.


Monica:  your first girlfriend was in the kindergarten??


Chandler: yeah not really my girlfriend, but we said that we were married… just a kiddy thing, you know that, she put on the wedding dress, I put on the tux, and we’re married!


Monica: no, I don’t know that, (upset) I didn’t fit in the wedding dress we had…


Chandler: (hugs her) oh…



[Scene: still Central Perk; Rachel, Joey, Emma and Fidi are there]


Fidi: Well this is your baby, Rachel?


Rachel: Yeah this is my sweetie!


Fidi: She’s so cute! What’s her name?


Joey: [didn’t listen] Joey! Joseph Francis Tribbiani. [lofty] I’ve played Dr. Drake Ramoray in ‘Days of our Lives’.


Fidi: [excited] Oh yeah, now I remember you! [wondered, her voice goes down] Why you felt the hoistway down?


Joey: [embarrassed] Oh! Umm… well I was offered another part and then I … felt…


Rachel: [interrupts Joey] Her name is Emma.


Fidi: Emma’s a nice name!


Joey: Well, just now we taught her names. [has the idea] but … Rachel, I have a better one!


Rachel: [bored] Yeah, Joey. I know, your name is better than Phoebe, I know.


Joey: No, no! I mean to say I’ve a better idea than names!


Rachel: Whatever …


Fidi: [nosy] What’s your idea?


Joey: We teach her dirty words!


Fidi: [sceptically] … [unreliable, ironic] … Yes ! She’s a baby but … why not?


Rachel: Crap! Fidi, overlook him!


Fidi: Okay …


[awkward silence]


Emma: Crap!


[They look at each other, Rachel takes Emma]


Rachel: No, no, no, no! Don’t! Emma! Don’t say ‘Crap’!


Fidi: You said it again.


Rachel: [it comes into her mind] Oh yes … Shit!


Joey: Rachel …


Rachel: [looks to Joey] Huh?


Joey: Don’t!


Rachel: Oh I said ‘shit’, didn’t I?


Joey: [nods sceptically]


Rachel: What’s the fucking matter you’re nodding?


Fidi: You say it again and yet again!


Rachel: What?


Emma: [mispronounce] Fakkin Sheat …


Rachel: [upset] No! No! Don’t! Joey, Fidi, help me!


Fidi: Well, we have to teach her other words! We have to blod out her memory!


Rachel: And how we do it?


Fidi: I – I don’t know …



[Scene: in a restaurant, Phoebe, Ross and Green sit together, they read the menu]


Green: The roasted chicken sounds good. Phoebe, what about—oh right, you don’t eat meat.


Phoebe: [surprised] How did you know that!?


Ross: So what’s your favourite dinosaur?


Green: Um…uh…I think the Euplecophalus is quite fascinating…


Ross: [excited]Yeah, I think so too!


Phoebe: Oh, the Euplecophalus sucks…if there’s one animal I would eat, it’s the dinosaur.


Ross: [points at Phoebe] She’s like that all the time. I’m so glad you can talk about this stuff.


Green: Well, when I was a little kid, I read everything about dinosaurs.


Ross: Me too! They’re so fascinating!


Phoebe: Oh, what’s so fascinating about dinosaurs? They don’t even exist anymore!


Green: Oh, by the way, I really like “Smelly Cat”.


Phoebe: [excited] Yeah, that’s a good one!! Wait! How…how did you know that?


Green: [grins]Well, I just know. Can you sing it right now?


Phoebe: [proudly] Of course! OK…Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, what are they feeding you?


Green: Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, it’s not you fault…


Phoebe: Ross!


Ross: [annoyed]They won’t take you to the vet


Green: You’re obviously not their favourite pet


Phoebe: You may not be a bed of roses


Ross: [annoyed]And you’re no friend to those who sing “Smelly Cat”


Phoebe:[angrily] and those who love dinosaurs…


Ross: [angrily] and those who think their mom is reincarnated as a cat…


Phoebe: [furiously] and those who tell boring stories!!!


Ross: [furiously] and those who date men with glass eyes!!!


Phoebe: [furiously] and those who have been divorced three times!!!


Ross: [annoyed] Can we cut it out now?


Phoebe: [excited, to Green] He gave up! [smiles]



[at Monica and chandler’s: Monica is cooking, chandler is watching TV]


Monica: when does she come?


Chandler: this afternoon


Monica: I meant the time


Chandler: I don’t know, but probably any minute… unless she doesn’t find our apartment… but she’s gonna call then…


Monica: I have a question, why didn’t you tell me about her when we dated?


Chandler: we don’t date anymore?


Monica: no, we’re married!


Chandler: oh, right.


Monica: so?


Chandler: so… what?


Monica: why didn’t you tell me??


Chandler: oh, I don’t know, forgot it, probably…


Monica: how can you forget people from the kindergarten?


Chandler: do you remember every single kid??


Monica: I meant who has the same name as your wife.


Chandler: oh, ok… I don’t know, forgot it, probably…


Monica: how can you forget people w—ok, we just had that…


Chandler: but we can do it again, if you want…   (it rings)  ok, we can have that conversation later, ok? (goes to the door, to the opener) hello?


Mon: hey, it’s me, Mon, I found ya!


Chandler: great, come on up. (pushes the opener)


Monica: (ironic) OK, she has my name, does she look like me?


Chandler: (doesn’t get that she meant it ironicly) no! she looks nothing like you! But, you can wait, she’s coming up…


Monica: really??


(it knocks at the door)


Chandler: I get it. (opens the door, there is Monica) hey, Mon! (they hug) was it difficult to find?


Mon: no, I have a map, and I lived here, you know…


Chandler: yeah, right, so, this is my wife


Monica: hi, I’m Monica.


Mon: me too. I mean, not you, but my name is Monica too…


Monica: I know, chandler told me.


[embarrassing silence]


Chandler: so, Monica, do you wanna have a cup of coffee?


Monica + Mon: oh yeah sure!


Chandler: well, actually I meant this Monica (points at Mon) and not you, honey, I mean, you can get coffee whenever you want, it’s your apartment…


Monica: yeah, right…  I want coffee too.  


[they sit down, drink coffee and eat pie]


Mon: so, how did you guys get together?


Chandler: this is  funny story, we were like the best friends before, for… I don’t know,  for a long time…


Monica: yes, a very long time… (a bit shocked) I don’t even know how long it has been…


Chandler: yeah, whatever. Then, her brother got married in London and she was so depressed that she slept with me….


Mon: wow, that’s…great… why…why are you depressed when your brother gets married, I mean, that’s a nice thing, isn’t it?


Monica: sure it is, but chandler told it wrong. A man thought that I were Ross’s mother, and my mother just talks bad at me all the time and always good at Ross, and so… I went to chandler’s room and I was actually looking for someone else, but only chandler was there…


Chandler: thank you, I love you too honey!


Monica: well, anyway, we slept together but we made us promise that we won’t do it when we were back home, in New York


Mon: so, I guess you broke that…


Chandler: yeah, kinda. And when we were actually back, we slept together pretty often (sneers) ,but nobody knew about us, so we went to New Jersey, to have a weekend for us, but we had a fight, and then, when we came back, Joey, my best friend and old roommate found it out and from time to time the others guys too.


Monica: wow, you remember when we were in New jersey?


Chandler: yeah, sure! Why?


Monica: no, I don’t know, I…  I didn’t expect that you’d remember that…


Chandler: why wouldn’t I…. (Mon looks bored)  OK , we can discuss that later…  the rest  in a short form: in Vegas we almost got married, a year later, I was gonna propose to her, but her ex-boyfriend Richard (pronounces it like he does all the time) was kind of… in the way..


Mon: (thinks) Richard… Richard?


Monica: tall, moustache… do you know him?


Mon: oh yeah…

[chandler looks shocked]


Chandler: every time!



[Scene: in front of a circus outside New York; Rachel runs with Emma in a big tent, Joey and Fidi are face the tent]


Fidi: Is she always so worried about her child?


Joey: [looks for something] Yep!


Fidi: We went one hour to find a circus! Isn’t that a little bit crazy?


Joey: Ahhhh there we have it! [goes away]


[Fidi looks confused]


[Rachel comes back]


Rachel: [to Fidi] They didn’t let me in because I haven’t a [pronounce the word abjectly] card ! But this is an emergency, y’know! I need a clown who bends her thoughts on something else.


Emma: Crap!


Rachel: [hopelessly] She doesn’t end for hours!


Fidi: Well maybe there is a clown! [points to another little tent]


Rachel: OK wait here!


Joey: [comes back with a gingerbread] Yum!


Fidi: Have you seen what’s typed on it? There is typed ‘Dope’ on it!


Joey: It was the biggest… [bites in the gingerbread] …one



[Scene: Still in the restaurant]


Green: Where is Rachel, by the way? And Chandler, Mon and Joey?


Ross: How did you know we know them?


Phoebe: [excited, to Green] Oh my God! You have the gift! You’re a seer!!


Ross: She’s not a seer!


Phoebe: Oh yes! Wait…ok, what’s my job?


Green: You’re a masseuse.


Phoebe: What’s Joey do?


Green: An actor.


Ross: [still doesn’t believe Phoebe]Oh, that’s nothing! Tell me…something more particular.


Green: Oh, maybe these words sound familiar to you….”Take thee, Rachel…”


Ross: [shocked] No!


Phoebe: [with a look of triumph] See?


Green: [grins]And that’s not all. Phoebe, you made out with Ross ten years ago!


Phoebe: [shocked] Oh!


Ross: [shocked] Oh!


Green: And…Ross, I heard you slept with a dinosaur lady…


Ross: No! That was Chandler who said that, but that’s not true. You shouldn’t leave that guy alone with a computer.


Green: Yeah, I know he erased your Barbados speech. [Ross looks more shocked]


Phoebe: [grins] That’s a real seer!



[still at Monica and Chandler’s apartment, they are sitting in the living-room]


Monica: … and then we said that we only gonna be friends, but after a time he called and…


[chandler looks bored, Mon interested ]



[later, they are still in the living-room]


Monica:….and chandler totally freaked out about that, and he said that I couldn’t see him ever again…


[chandler is still bored]



[again later, Monica and Mon are talking, chandler enters]


Monica: hey, where have you been?


Chandler: I told you three times that I was going to the central park!


Monica + Mon: really?


Monica: (to Mon) anyway, I didn’t see him since now and I switched eye doctors…


[Chandler goes bored out again]



[scene: still in front of the circus; Rachel comes back quickly]


Rachel: [scared] A tiger! In this little tent was a tiger!


Joey: In a cage?


Rachel: Yeah!


Joey: [softly] That’s horrible! How are Emma?


Emma: Shit


Rachel: [angrily] Hm


Fidi: Well Rachel, there is a clown! [points behind her]


Joey: [scared] Oh!


Rachel: [sees the clown] Oh [runs to him] Hey! Hey! [the clown stops] Hi! I’m Rachel Greene! Well … ummm… my baby … um could you make something funny for her?


Clown: Piss off! [proceeds]


Rachel: Oh no!


Joey: Phew … I don’t really like clowns! I hate them! [has eaten up his gingerbread] Well could we go back now?


Rachel: Yes I think my trials are dallying.


Fidi: Don’t worry! After some days she will forget it!


Rachel: [sadly] Probably …


Joey: Could I say goodbye to the gingerbread-woman before we go home? She’s hot!



[Scene: still in the Restaurant, they ate everything]


Phoebe: Ross, wanna have ice cream?


Green: But I thought he hated ice cream cause it’s too cold!


Ross:[surprised] Now I’m just scared… Now tell me, how do you know all that stuff about us? [looks shocked] Have you been spying on us?


Green: No! No! I just saw you on TV, there’s this huge sitcom about you, and I’m a big fan of you guys.


Phoebe: [laughs] Yeah, right!


Green: It’s true! I’m not a seer or anything.


Phoebe: Yes you are.


Green: No, I’m not! Don’t you watch NBC at all?


Ross: Yeah, so?


Green: [desperate]Oh, this must be some kind of weird dream.


Ross: [exhales] Yeah, it really has to be…


Green: You’re not famous actors or anything?


Phoebe: No, but Joey is one.


Green: I know, he has that female brain…


Ross: [to himself] OK, I know this is a weird dream. That’s the only explanation, she can’t know so much about us…but…if this is a dream, I could order the expensive Champaign! Or I could eat all the expensive things, which would cost nothing!


[Phoebe looks at Green]


Phoebe: I tried that once, when I dreamt about a supermarket, ….I ate all the cookies. But then I got food poison and died.


Green: That’s…um…interesting…


Ross: You are finished, aren’t you? Now let’s go.


Green: No! I mean…it’s so fun with you guys, I don’t want to go.


Phoebe: Then come with us to the coffee house, meet everyone!


Green: [can’t believe it] Re-really!? Yay!


Ross: [to Phoebe] Are you sure, I mean, she’s really weird and…


Green: [to Phoebe] And Pheebs, you should really believe in evolution, Ross is absolutely right.


Ross: [pulls Green with him]Yeah, I think she can come with us!



[again later: Monica and Mon are sitting in the living-room, chandler is in the kitchen]


Chandler: Monica, can I see you for a sec?


Monica + Mon: (stand up) yeah, what’s up?


Chandler: no, I meant this Monica. (points at Monica) can I talk to you?


Monica: (confused) yeah, sure.


Chandler: (whispering) what are you doing?


Monica: nothing, just talking an stuff.


Chandler: do you know about who?


Monica: yes, about Richard…


Chandler: (shakes his hand, like he does when somebody said a bad thing) exactly!


Monica: does this bother you?


Chandler: yes, I thought that I could spend some time with an old friend, but I can’t!


Monica: why not?


Chandler: because you are!


Monica: what?


Chandler: you are talking her away from me!


Monica: no, I’m not! I’m just talking with her! You can talk too, where is the big problem?


Chandler: I never slept with Richard! That’s the problem!


Monica: yeah, right… hey, we can talk about something else! Would that be better?


Chandler: yes, please!


Monica: ok.    (they go to Mon) Mon, ehm, Chandler kinda has problem that we talk about Richard, can we talk about something else?


Chandler: (mad) thank you.


Mon: oh, sorry, sure, we can talk about something else!


[embarrassing silence again]


Mon: (looks at her watch) oh, you know, I think I gotta go! It’s really late!


Monica + Chandler: ( relieved) oh, that’s too bad! But ok…


[they stand up and go to the door]


Mon: ok, thank you for the coffee and the pie.


Monica: oh, you’re welcome


Mon: it was really nice with you guys!


Chandler: (ironic) yes, I think so too!


Mon: ok, then, bye. And when you’re in Germany some time, you can visit me whenever you want!


Monica: good to know!


[Mon hugs them and leaves]


Monica: she’s really nice!


Chandler: yeah. (pause) Is sex with Richard really that good??


Monica:  yeah. (sees his face, to calm him down) but nothing compared to you! (kisses him)


Chandler: I know…



[scene: Central Perk; Joey, Fidi and Rachel are there]


Fidi: Well thank you for this wonderful afternoon! I had a lot of fun with you guys! And I’ll miss you!


Rachel: You don’t wanna go, do ya?


Fidi: Umm .. I don’t annoy you?


Joey: No!


Fidi: Well OK I can still stay some time. Well, Joey – you’re Dr Drake Ramoray, could I get an autograph from you?


Joey: [waits some time, excited] Of course! [gives her an autograph]


Rachel: So I wanna thank you guys because you’ve gone with me to this circus – I mean, we searched over one hour for one of these stupid clowns!


Fidi: Joey, you’re really scared of clowns?


Joey: [innocently] Pscht!


Rachel: But you must consede it was a long way to find a circus!


Joey: We just went to Central Park, didn’t we?


Fidi&Rachel: [look at each other, review their answer] Yes!



[Scene: in the streets of New York]


Green: You have got to believe me, I know you from TV!!


Ross: Tell that Joey and he will freak out.


Green: No seriously, I know you from a sitcom called “Friends”!!


Phoebe: You might be a seer but now you’re wrong.


Green: OK. [takes out a notebook from her bag] See? This is my notebook. Look, what it says on the back? I wrote down quotes from you.


Ross: [looks at it] Hey, there’s something about me! It says, “Ross: Hey Mon, if things work out between you and Richard’s son, you can tell your kids that you slept with their grandfather.” [shocked] I remember!! I really said that!!


Green: Yeah, and Michael Vartan played Richard’s son!! You know, from Alias.


Phoebe: What’s “Alias”???


Green: Oh my god, you don’t know Alias??


Ross: I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Green: OK, different question. Ross, you really like “Die Hard”, don’t you?


Ross: [grins] Yeah!


Green: You watched that movie with the other guys, right before you took a nap with Joey—


Ross: [shocked] Wa-ah!!


Green: OK, and which actor is in the leading role?


Phoebe: [confused]Bruce Willis. Everyone knows that.


Green: Exactly!! Now how does Bruce Willis look like?


Ross: I don’t know how to explain, but—


Green: [grins]Doesn’t Bruce Willis have a certain resemblance with Elizabeth’s dad? You know, Mr. Stevens?


Phoebe:[confused] I think so, but what are you saying??


Green: [desperate] Oh no, and I thought I could convince you. All right, I give up. You’re just two ordinary people in an ordinary street of New York…


Ross: We never said anything else.


Phoebe: [shakes her head] No!! I’m not ordinary. I’m special.


Green: [claps Phoebe on her shoulder] Yeah you really are.


Ross: [thinks] I’m not ordinary either. I’m special too. I’m a doctor.


Phoebe: No, you wish.


Ross: [looks angrily at Phoebe] I AM A DOCTOR!!!


Green: [thinks] Oh my god, “TOW No One Proposes”-Flashback…


Ross: [thinks] Oh my god, “Chandler-in-the-hospital-when-Phoebe-gave-birth-to-triplets”-flashback…



[Ending credits]



[Scene: in the Central Perk, Fidi sits on the couch having a Latte, Mon is on the way to the couch with a drink and sits down next to Fidi, Green enters and sits next to Mon and Fidi]


[All three look at each other]


Fidi, Mon & Green: OH MY GOD!!! [they hug]


Green: What are you doing here??


Mon: What are you doing here?


Fidi: I think we’re both on vacation!


Green: Warum reden wir eigentlich englisch!?


Fidi: Hast recht.


Mon: Ja! Also, was habt ihr hier in NY schon gemacht?



Fidi: Ich hab 2 Leuten geholfen, einem Baby Wörter beizubringen.


Mon: Ich hab einen Kindergarten-Kumpel getroffen und seine Frau war mal mit einem Typen zusammen, mit dem ich auch mal zusammen war!!


Green: Ihr glaubt nicht was ICH erlebt hab!! Stellt euch vor, ich hab PHOEBE UND ROSS getroffen!!!!


Fidi: Wen?


Mon: Ich weiß nicht was du meinst...


[Green guckt enttäuscht]


Fidi: Ich find das echt toll dass ich euch ausgerechnet hier treffe, weit weg von zu Hause!


Mon: Stimmt! Schade dass die anderen nicht das sind...


[Kiki, Syd, Julie und -Lilly- kommen rein]




-The End-


(hiermit gehen ganz liebe Grüße an Kiki, Syd, Julie und -Lilly-!!)


(nach oben)