The OnThe One Where Monica Is Afraid (30.5.04 - 13.6.04 )



[Joey and Rachel’s apartment, Joey and Rachel are sitting an the barcalounger and they are making out] 

[Ross enters, sees them] 

Ross: [shields his face] Oh no, that’s not the first thing I wanna see in the morning. 

Rachel: [stands up] Hey Ross! We didn’t see you coming cause we were busy with, um, you know? [Ross looks angry] And you DO know. 

Ross: Hey, one question. 

Joey: Yeah? 

Ross: [embarrassed] Have you already, um, you know, have you had – yet? … [Rachel and Joey look embarrassed too] Why am I asking, this is JOEY! Wow, that’s not the first image I wanna have in my head in the morning. 

Rachel: Ross, are you okay? 

Ross: Yeah! I mean, why shouldn’t I? I just came by to-- OK, see you later! [storms out] 

Rachel: [guilty]Oh no. 

Joey: I kinda have the feeling that Ross isn’t okay, do you?


[opening credits]  

[In an animal market, Phoebe and Rachel look around] 

Rachel: [disgusted] I can’t believe you dragged me here. Look at all the dogs, making all the noise, it’s so weird. 

Phoebe: Dogs bark! 

Rachel: Why did you come here? Do you want to buy a pet? 

Phoebe: No, I just come here from time to time, to relax to the natural sounds— 

Rachel: [a little angry] Pheebs, that’s not relaxing, that’s – oh would you look at this little guy over here! [bends down to a young Golden Retriever] 

Phoebe: Hey, this dog’s kinda cute! 

Rachel: [to the dog] Are you a cute dog? Yes you are! Yes you are! [to herself] Oh my god. I like this dog! I really want to have him! 

Phoebe: I don’t think this is such a good idea. 

Rachel: Wh-why? 

Phoebe: Cause, you know, maybe it’s because you have more important things to do, or, or because of your lack of responsibility—

Rachel: What? Hey, come on, I can handle a dog! 

Phoebe: And what if you forget to feed him? 

Rachel: Then I’ll just feed him the day after that! 

Phoebe: Definitely because of your lack of responsibility. 

Rachel: Wh-hey! You don’t think I can do this? I can, I’ll show ya!  

Phoebe: No, Rach, don’t buy this dog. 

Rachel: If no one buys this dog, they’ll kill him. 

Phoebe: Let’s get some food and toys for your new dog!


[Central Perk, Chandler and Ross are there] 

Ross: …and I’m really happy for Rachel and Joey, I mean, it’s Rachel! She’s the mother of my child, and I want her to hook up with … [angry] my friend … Yeah, I’m one happy guy! I’m sooo happy, you know, you believe me, right? Do you believe me? 

Chandler: Yeah, absolutely. 

Ross: Really? 

Chandler: Nope. 

Ross: [disappointed] Oh man! But I really want to be OK with it! 

Chandler: …OK. 

Ross: Hey, what if I pretend being OK? 

Chandler: …OK.

 Ross: Don’t always say “OK”, OK? 

Chandler: Let’s look at this carefully, OK? [Ross looks at him] [Chandler-y]I’m sorry. – It’s Rachel. And it’s Joey.—

 Ross: [ironic] Oh good, we’ve established their names. 

Chandler: … Like you said, you want them to be happy. You have to be absolutely honest with yourself, right? Now, how do you feel about Rachel and Joey being together? 

Ross: I feel— 

Chandler: Exactly! So, first, you have to be clear about yourself that you feel the way you feel about that stuff. Are you clear about your feelings? 

Ross: Yes, I am. 

Chandler: So … hide it! 

Ross: …What? 

Chandler: Yeah, swallow it down, even if that means you’re gonna be unhappy for, let’s see, forever. Good advice? [smiles]

 Ross: [makes a weird face] Oh yeah. 

Chandler: See? 

Ross: But, when I see them together – it makes me ache, you know? I mean, it’s not like I’m still in love with Rachel. It’s just so weird. It’s Joey, and he’s my friend, and I’m absolutely OK with it, but [angry] he keeps touching my ex-girlfriend!

 Chandler: Look. If you tell Joey how you feel he’s gonna get angry, he’s gonna move out, he’s gonna leave, and then there’s no one there to drop two pizzas every Friday on our living room floor! 

Ross: All right, all right. You’re right. Maybe I’ll change my mind about the whole Joey-Rachel thing.

 Chandler: Yeah baby! [makes a fist]You go get’em!!

 Ross: Get who?

 Chandler: No idea. 

[Monica enters]

 Monica: Hi sweety! [gives Chandler a kiss] 

Chandler: Hey! 

Monica: What were you guys talking about? 

[Ross and Chandler look at each other] 

Ross: Um, well, we were talking about Rachel and Joey. 

Chandler: [looks at Ross, then at Monica] Yeah!! We said how we found it funny that they only need one bedroom now!

 [Monica looks weird, Ross looks angry, Chandler gives Ross an “I’m sorry”-look] 

Chandler: Could it BE any more awkward?  

Ross: [angry] All right, change of subject please!

 Chandler: Oh, right, I wanted to talk to you, Mon. I have a surprise for you.

 Monica: [excited] A SURPRISE?? I LOVE surprises!!!

 Chandler: [with a weird look] I know that too well. OK, [smiles, with an excited voice] I acquired tickets for a boat trip on the Atlantic Ocean for two days and one night and – yeah, that’s pretty much it. So, …what do you say? 

Monica: [a little fearful] Uhhm, I’m sorry, I didn’t catch the first part. You said “bike trip”, right?

 Chandler: No, “boat trip”.

 Monica: A bike trip? Great!! [give Chandler a kiss]

 Chandler: No, no, no. I said “boat trip”.

 Monica: I’ll go clean my bike, then!

 Chandler: We could try to ride the bike on the ocean if you want … but there’s one problem. The bike will get RUSTY!

 Ross: Mon, are you OK?

 Chandler: I’ll ask you one more time. Do you want to go on the boat trip with me?

 Monica: [hesitates] [sighs] [smiles] Yes!

 Chandler: [excited] Great! What was the big deal, do you have a problem with boats?

 Monica: [faking]Nooo …

 Ross: [excited] Cool, can I come too?

 Monica & Chandler: What?

 Ross: Come on, when we were kids, our parents never took us to boat trips. And, Chandler, maybe that could take my thoughts away from …  you know. You know?

 Chandler: [sighs] All right. So are you taking Charlie with you?

 Ross :Who’s Charlie? [shocked] Oh, Charlie! Oh, well, um, of course, yes! Charlie comes with me, cause she’s, you know, my girlfriend, I can’t get that name out of my head, [lets out a fake laugh]

 Monica: You’re acting all weird. Is there something you wanna tell me?

 [Ross almost says something]

 Chandler: [interrupts] Today is Friday.

 Monica: [shocked] Oh my God! Joey! The pizzas!!! [runs out of the coffee house] 

 [Scene: Monica’s apartment, Chandler, Monica and Joey are there.]

 [Rachel enters with the dog]

 Rachel: Hey!!!

 Chandler: [takes a step back] Oh no no no, that monster is not coming into my apartment!

 [Rachel goes over to Joey to give him a kiss]

 Chandler: OK, this looks exactly like when I first caught my dad fooling around with the house boy—

 Monica: [looks at the dog] Ohhhh, he is so cute!!! [goes to the dog and strokes it] How come you’re so cute, huh? How come you’re so cute?

 Chandler: I don’t wanna interrupt, but – the cute doggy talk might be cute for you – but creepy for me! 

Joey: So … you have a dog now.

Rachel: Yeah!

 Joey: And he’s going to live in our apartment.

 Rachel: Well, I could also collar him to Chandler, but I think there’s gonna be at least one dead body the next morning …

 [Chandler sighs]

Joey: I’m not so sure about the dog [the dog runs to Joey and licks him] [happy] Hey, I love this dog!!!

 Monica: Do you have a name yet? 

Rachel: Yes! [goes on her knees and strokes the dog] 

[long pause] 

Chandler: Are you gonna tell us or … 

Rachel: Oh! Yeah, it’s, um, Joey. 

Joey: [smiles] Really? 

Rachel: [looks up] …yeah! 

Joey: Oh, that is so sweet!! [goes on his knees too and kisses Rachel] 

[The dog puts his front paws on Rachel’s knee and licks Joey’s and Rachel’s lips] 

[Rachel and Joey jump up] 

Joey: Ewww! 

Rachel: Gross!!! 

[They wipe their mouths with their clothes] 

Chandler: OK, who else suggests a threesome? [claps his hands] 

[Rachel and Joey look at Chandler, Monica chuckles] 

Chandler: [grinning]This is a real shock to me, because I always thought Rachel was more of a cat person. [Monica and Chandler laugh]  

[At the harbour, all the friends and Charlie are there, Ross, Monica, Chandler and Charlie are ready to go on board. Ross has a very big suitcase, Monica has a lot of giant bags] 

Rachel: [to Ross] What did you pack, your whole home? 

Ross: [aggressively] Hey, you have to take everything necessary!!! 

Phoebe: What’s that? [takes something out of Ross’s suitcase] A little figure of a dinosaur? 

Ross: [loudly] Well, maybe I need something nice to look at! 

Rachel: And Monica, what have you got in that bag? 

Monica: … my life vest? 

Phoebe: Don’t they have life vests on the boat? 

Rachel: And what have you got in the big bag? 

Monica: … my rubber life boat? 

Joey: Hey, they have life boats on the boat!

 Monica: [loudly] Hey, sometimes you just have to play it safe!!! 

Rachel: Gellers are weird. 

Chandler: OK, bye bye, I’ll miss you, take care, bla bla. 

Monica: Oh, come on, let’s get a coffee first. 

Rachel: But we just went to Central Perk! 

Monica: Let’s go back then! 

Chandler: No, we can’t, we’re gonna miss our boat! 

Monica: [faking] Yeah, that would be real bad. 

Phoebe: OK, I’ll miss you! 

Chandler: [smiles] Thank you.

 Phoebe: Not YOU!  

Charlie: That’s so exciting! The Atlantic Ocean … 

Ross: You should know, the first time the Atlantic was crossed—

 Joey: Please go on board now. 

Phoebe: Get outta here, already!!!

Rachel: Bye, see you!

 [They all hug goodbye] Rachel: [hugging Monica who doesn’t let go] Um, … Mon, you can let go now. [Monica lets go]

 Ross: All right! Um, we probably should get going … [looks at Joey and Rachel, who are snuggling] Yeah, we’re going. Let’s go! [goes away] 


Ross: [comes back] Yeah, I forgot my baggage. [takes his things] 

[Monica, Chandler and Charlie follow Ross]


[Central Perk, Phoebe and Joey come in with the dog] 

Phoebe: So how’s it going with Rachel, huh? 

Joey: Pretty great! Yeah … she’s so sweet and nice and I know her so well, plus, she’s HOT! Yeah … 

Phoebe: … What? 

Joey: Huh? 

Phoebe: What’s wrong, you can tell me anything. 

Joey: [softens his voice] It’s just, I’m not used to be in a relationship that lasts longer that a few weeks. I’m not saying it’s not going great with Rachel, but … yeah, I’m kinda afraid to think about not dating anyone else in the future. You know what I mean? 

Phoebe: Oh …  I understand that. But maybe it won’t work out and you can have ten women at the same time again! [smiles] 

Joey: What? 

Phoebe: Oh, I didn’t mean that. Um … you’re gonna get used to it. I mean, you have to settle down someday, why not now with Rachel? Make a change. It’s a new experience. You’ll get experience you can learn from. 

Joey: Learn? 

Phoebe: OK, you’ll just get experience. 

[Gunther comes along] 

Gunther: Oh, please no dogs in the coffee house. 

Joey: Oh please, Gunther, Rachel’s at work and I’d like to take him out— 

Gunther: Ra-Rachel’s dog? 

Joey: Yes, but I promise, I’ll never bring him again— 

Gunther: The dog can be here as much as you want. 

Phoebe: Great, then! Isn’t Joey a great boyfriend, with looking after Rachel’s dog and all? 

Gunther: What?? 

Phoebe: I said— 

Gunther: I heard what you said.  

[goes behind the counter, throws all the cakes on the floor, everyone looks at him]  

Gunther: … They were old.

 [Cut to several guests who spit their cakes out] 

Joey: [to Gunther] Two coffees please. 

Gunther: No. 

Joey: [confused] …no? 

Gunther: [Aggressively] Yeah, no. N – O. Do I have to write it down for ya? 

[Joey looks confused]  

[On the boat, Monica and Chandler stand by the rail] 

Chandler: So, honey, don’t you love it? 

Monica: [anxiously] … uhh, of course! I mean, with the fresh air and stuff. Hey, is this boat made of steel? 

Chandler: [confused] I think so. 

Monica: [anxiously]Oh my God. How cold is the water? 

Chandler: [sarcastic] Should be around a hundred and fifty degrees. - What is the matter with you? 

Monica: [anxiously]Nothing, just feeling a little sick. OK, a lot sick. ALL RIGHT! [Chandler makes wide and funny eyes] OK, I’M TERRIFIED OF THE OCEAN! Happy now? 

Chandler: [doesn’t know what to say] [ironic] Oh yeah, I’m happy now. … what? You’re afraid of the sea? 

Monica: … Yes. I’m sorry, I didn’t want to say anything because I knew this trip meant a lot to you. 

Chandler: Hey. The trip doesn’t mean a lot to me. YOU mean a lot to me. [Ohhhh…] 

Monica: [angry] Then why did you drag me on the steel chunk of death!? 

Chandler: I dragged you? I DRAGGED you? You said it was OK—You know, we can’t get out of this now. Just calm down— 

Monica: CALM DOWN!? 

Chandler: [Chandler-y]Um, well, YES

Monica: How far is it to the firm ground? 

Chandler: About half a mile. 

Monica: [looks around] I can’t see any coast. 

Chandler: Oh, I meant half a mile to the ground. 

[Monica punches Chandler on the Arm] 

Chandler: You know: Ow

Monica: Oh my God, I have two whole days ahead of me. What am I gonna do? 

Chandler: Do something to distract you. Like, for example, clean. 

Monica: [becomes shiny eyes] Yeah! I’m gonna clean our room! [goes towards the room] 

Chandler: [follows her] Why are you afraid of the ocean? 

Monica: Didn’t you see “Titanic”?!? 

Chandler: [joking] Oh, please don’t run off with some poor guy … How come you’ve never told me about your phobia? 

Monica: [points at Chandler] HEY! It’s not a phobia. Just a slight fear. [noise] [grabs Chandler at his arm] OH MY GOD? WHAT WAS THAT NOISE? WHAT HAPPENED!?!?! 

Chandler: … The guy at the table opened a bag of crisps!! 

Monica: Oh. Well, it sounded like something of the boat broke off. 

Chandler: [to himself] I even have to pay to send my wife to Fear Factor… 

Monica: And one thing … [threatening] do NOT tell anyone about this! 

Chandler: Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t dare.


[Cut to Ross who’s sitting at a table] 

[Charlie comes with two drinks] 

Charlie: Hey, I brought us a drink. 

Ross:[absently] Thanks. 

Charlie: So do you like the boat trip so far? 

Ross: [takes a sip] [absently] Yeah, it tastes good. 

Charlie: OK … um, it seems like something is bothering you. You’re acting all distant. 

Ross: Oh! No, I’m OK. 

Charlie: You’re sure? 

Ross: U-huh. 

Charlie: Is this about Joey and Rachel? 

Ross: Well, I just think it isn’t right! 

Charlie: OK, do you wanna talk about it? 

Ross: It’s just … you have to know about the past, it’s really complicated. 

Charlie: Then I wanna hear about the past, if it seems like the only way to get you to talk to me. 

[Ross looks at Charlie awkwardly] 

Ross: All right. Rachel and I, we were together for almost one year, then she got a new job and was all busy. Then I thought she was cheating on me with some guy at work, and after a big fight, Rachel wanted a break. In this break, I … slept with someone else, but we were on a break!!! … Somehow, Rachel couldn’t forgive me, so we broke up. After four months, we got back together, but that only lasted for a short time. We were drunk when we married in Vegas. Then there was this one time, and Rachel got pregnant. Anyway, Joey began to fall in love with Rachel and accidentally proposed to her after she had my baby. And the last thing I know, they are together. 

Charlie: So you had … several … relationships with Rachel. 

Ross: That’s right. 

Charlie: And Joey proposed to Rachel? 

Ross: Just by accident. 

Charlie: After you slept with the other woman. 

Ross: Ye—no, after she had my baby! 

Charlie: The baby is the woman!? 

Ross: No, the woman is Chloe. 

Charlie: And Chloe and you were on a break? 

Ross: No, that was Rachel. 

Charlie: Rachel slept with Chloe in Vegas? 

Ross: No!!! Oh, forget it. 

Charlie: You know, I knew it was complicated, but I didn’t expect such a complicated story… 

Ross: Are you OK with this? 

Charlie: … Are you in love with Rachel? 

Ross: [clears his throat] Um, no. 

Charlie: You hesitated when you said that. 

Ross: [holds up his finger] No, I didn’t. See, when I’m absolutely sure, I tend to hesitate. No big deal. That’s my thing. … No, my problem is, I don’t think that Joey is the right guy for her. I’m afraid he’s gonna hurt Rachel. Not that I’m sure he will, I’m just a little disquiet about that. 

Charlie: You know what? I think Rachel is really important to you. [Ross nods] And I know Joey. Maybe not as well as you do, but certainly in an other way— 

Ross: OK, I get it … 

Charlie: You’re in a difficult phase now, that’s obvious. But lately I have the feeling that our relationship isn’t healthy for the friendship between you and Joey and Rachel. And I don’t want to be pulled into that. I have a really bad conscience about that.


Ross: No, see, Charlie-- 

Charlie: I’m really sorry … you’re a great guy, and I like you and it’s not your fault. But the circumstances just aren’t right in this time. Maybe we should try it another time. I know you’ll understand. 

Ross: … Yes, I do. I’m sorry too. 

Charlie: OK, then. 

[they hug] 

[awkward pause] 

Charlie: It wasn’t very smart to break up with someone you still have to spend a whole day on a boat in the same room with …

 Ross: Yeah. 

 [In Central Perk, Rachel is sitting on the couch] 

[Phoebe comes in] 

Rachel: Hi! 

Phoebe: U-huh, hi. Did you feed the dog!? 

Rachel: Wh-what? 

Phoebe: Did – you – feed – the – dog?? 

Rachel: Uh, yeah!? 

Phoebe: No, you didn’t.

 Rachel: Oh, come on, I’m maybe late for feeding for[looks at her watch] ten minutes! 

Phoebe: Oh yeah? Then, how late are you gonna be tomorrow? If you add ten minutes every day, then you’ll be late for 20 minutes tomorrow, 30 minutes the day after that, 40 minutes the day after that, and by the time next year, you’ll be late for … you know … A VERY LONG TIME! 

Rachel: Would you calm down? It’s my dog, and I can decide when I feed him! 

Gunther: Rachel’s right. 

Rachel: See? Even Gunther thinks I’m right. [to Gunther] Thanks Gunther. 

Gunther: [excited] You’re welcome. … [to himself] my sweetie. 

[Joey comes in with Joey the dog] 

Rachel: Hi … Joeys! [grins] 

Phoebe: Hi little baby Joey! Hi … dog Joey! 

[Joey and Rachel kiss] 

[cut to Gunther] 

Gunther: [mad] You … son of a bitch … 

[cut back to Rachel, Joey and Phoebe] 

Rachel: OK, Phoebe? Now I can feed him. Gunther? 

Gunther: Yeah! 

Rachel: Could you please give me a bowl with some water and some cookies? 

Gunther: Anything you want. [gets the things] 

Phoebe: Hey, cookies aren’t good for the dog [Gunther comes with water and cookies], don’t you know that? Give me one. [takes a cookie from Gunther and eats it] 

Joey: Thanks Gunther. 

Gunther: [goes away, talking to himself] I can’t believe they’re doing it!  

[On the boat, Chandler and Monica walk around] 

Chandler: … I’m sorry the room was already clean, but would you just try to relax? 

Monica: Damn! The room was already so clean, I could freak out! 

Chandler: [sarcastic] Yet somehow you’re so calm. Let’s go to he rail. 

Monica: What are you, insane!? It’s like the side of the boat, you want me to fall over the rail and drown!? 

Chandler: You won’t drown, you’ll freeze to death! [Monica makes a reproachful look] I’m not helping. 

[Chandler and Monica go to the rail. They look at the sea, theres nothing but ocean. They look to the left, there’s nothing but ocean, they look to the right, there’s nothing but ocean.] 

Chandler: [sarcastic] Oh, here we are. 

[Ross comes along] 

Ross: [depressed] Hi. 

Chandler: Hey, where have you been, I haven’t seen you for [pause] thirty minutes… 

Ross: I was with Charlie. 

Monica: And where’s Chalie? 

Ross: [depressed] She … 

Chandler: Is everything OK? 

Ross: Yes, … to be lying. So actually no. Charlie, she … kinda broke up with me. 

Monica: Oh, I’m so sorry! [hugs Ross] What did she say? 

Ross: Well, she said I was distant, and that the whole circumstances were bad. It’s really complicated. 

Monica: Wait a minute … does that mean she has to stay on the boat till tomorrow, with you in the same room? 

Ross: [sarcastic] No, a helicopter picked her up. … This all sucks. We are stuck together on a tiny boat and I don’t know what to do. 

Monica: Here’s what you’re gonna do. You can’t make the problem go away, so face it. Go to your room, and if Charlie shows up, you’ll talk to her instead of escaping from her. You have nothing to lose! Face it. Be strong, OK? 

Ross: All right. Can I talk to you, Chandler? 

Chandler: Sure. [Ross leaves with Chandler] 

Monica: [looks around, frightened, goes over to the rail and looks down on the ocean] I can’t face it!!!  

[Joey’s apartment, Rachel and the dog are there, she’s giving pizza to the dog] 

[Joey comes in] 

Joey: Hey, pizza!! [grabs a piece] 

Rachel: OK, I’m late for work. Bye Joey! [wants to kiss him] Well, I’ll let you swallow the pizza. [leaves] 

Joey: [looks at the pizza box] Damn, there’s no pizza left! 

[cut to Joey’s head, dramatic music, the head turns around, very slowly, to the dog, the music ends] 

[The dog growls] 

[Joey growls back] 

Joey: Give me the pizza! [grabs the pizza] 

[the dog growls again, Joey takes the piece of pizza] 

Joey: Haha, got it! [the dog barks] 

[Rachel comes back in] 

Rachel: What is going on!? 

Joey: [winy] Joey took my pizza!! 

Rachel: I think that’s what the dog would say now if he could talk. 

Joey: If the dog gets pizza, why don’t I? 

Rachel: I’m sorry, but Joey happens to like pizza, too!

 Joey: But Joey likes pizza too! [points at himself] [frowns] Which Joey were you talking about? [Rachel sighs]

 [Phoebe enters]


Phoebe: Hi you people! … and animal! 

Joey: Hey Pheebs. 

Rachel: Hi! 

Phoebe: What’s going on? 

Rachel: Joey is angry ‘cause Joey took Joey’s pizza which was meant for Joey. 

Phoebe: Rachel, did you feed Joey? 

Rachel: No, Joey fed himself. 

Phoebe: I meant the dog.

 Joey: No, Joey took my pizza! 

Phoebe: [to the dog] Joey!! 

Joey: What? 

[everyone is confused] 

Rachel: All right, that’s enough, I can’t have two Joeys in the same apartment any more! 

Joey: Yeah, and I can’t have this stupid pizza-eater in my apartment any more!! 

Rachel: So … I guess there’s only one solution. 

Joey: Yeah. Let’s give him away. 

Rachel: But the person must be very caring. 

Joey: And responsible. 

Rachel: And reliable. 

Joey: And good to animals. 

Rachel: Who could that be? 

[cut to Phoebe, who is playing with the dog] 

[cut to Rachel’s and Joey’s head, dramatic music, they turn around to Phoebe, music ends] 

Rachel: [looks at Joey] Well … 

Joey: [still thinking] Who could that be? Who could that be…  

[On the boat, Ross is talking to Chandler] 

Ross: Oh my God, I can’t belive I just lost the perfect woman because I got a little weird because of Joey and Rachel … 

Chandler: A little weird? You were thinking about them all the time! No wonder Charlie broke up with you! 

Ross: No! I wasn’t thinking about them all the time. Maybe just 50 percent of the time.

 Chandler: Fine. 

Ross: Or sixty… 

Chandler: … OK. 

Ross: Maybe seventy— 

Chandler: Let’s just stick with “all the time”, OK?! 

Ross: She even asked me if I was in love with Rachel! 

Chandler: [sarcastic] Oh my God, how come!? … Just forget about it, OK? You can’t do anything, accept that. 

Ross: But—

 Chandler: Nah! 

Ross: Not even if— 

Chandler: Na-ah!


[Cut, Ross is in his room, packing things in his suitcase] 

[Charlie comes in, notices Ross] 

Charlie: … hi. 

Ross: Hey. 

Charlie: A dinosaur figure, huh? [looks at the dinosaur figure on a table] 

Ross: Yeah. 

Charlie: Nice. 

Ross: You’re the first person who doesn’t make fun of the dinsosaur. 

Charlie: As long as you don’t have dinosaurs in your bed … [chuckles] [Ross looks embarrassed] 

Ross: So … oh, this is ridiculous. We can do this, can’t we? I mean, after all, we have two beds that are next to each other. 

Charlie: Yeah, and it’s just one night. 

Ross: [joking] I’ll promise to behave myself! [Charlie doesn’t laugh] … too soon to make jokes? 


[Cut, Monica is looking for Chandler at the bar] 

[She finds Chandler behind some people] 


Chandler: [jumps up] Oh my God, where the hell did my heart slip!? 

Monica: I feel a little bit out of sorts, and— 

Chandler: Let me put  it that way: You’re afraid! 

Monica: [aggressive] Don’t say that! 

Chandler: But you are. 

Monica: Yeah. 

Chandler: You know, if the room is clean and there’s nothing else to distract you, [grins] we could, you know … know what I mean? 

Monica: [loudly] You are sick! I’m not gonna do it with you on a boat!!! 

[Everyone turns around, Chandler looks very embarrassed, he looks for an answer] 

Chandler: [with a wobbly voice] Well, then I have to find someone else to play chess with. [goes away and leaves Monica behind, still with an embarrassed look] 


[ending credits] 


[Central Perk, Joey, Rachel, Chandler, Monica and Ross are there] 

[Phoebe and the dog come in] 

Chandler: [terrified] Oh no no. Oh no no no no no!!!! [gesticulates] 

Monica: Hey! How’s it going with Joey? 

Rachel: [didn’t hear everything] Oh, it’s going pretty well, I— Oh, you meant … [waves at Phoebe] 

Phoebe: Oh, great! I’m having the most fun! Joey’s so sweet and so cute and— 

Joey: [didn’t hear everything] [cracks a smile] Thanks. 

Ross: Hey Pheebs, give me the ball! 

Phoebe: OK! [gives Ross a tennis ball] 

Ross: Here, Joey! [throws the ball] 

[Joey (the person) stands up and catches the ball before Joey (the dog) is able to catch it] 

Joey: [happily] Hey, I catched it! [laughs and throws it back to confused Ross] 

[Phoebe chuckles] 

Rachel: What? 

Phoebe: It’s just … you were seeing Ross, and, you know, Russ. And you’re seeing Joey, and … [points at the dog] 

Ross: [smiles] Oh, that image is acceptable in my head! [grins] 

Joey: [frowns, to Rachel] Which Joey was she talking about? 


(nach oben)