

Email: Rabid_x@yahoo.com

Website: http://www.wrssproductions.com/boilingpoint/

Stories, that are hosted here:



Captain Bloodand the Great Cookie Caper
complete by RabidX 20 kb Nightcrawler/Beast
Kurt gets hurt and receives medical attention from Hank. Kurt repays him with cookies.


complete by RabidX 12 kb Chamber/???
Answer to the 'Chamber in Handcuffs' challenge. Master and servant among the X-men.


I have a Secret Crush on my Teammate
complete by RabidX 17 kb Gambit/???
The X-Men go on the 'Jerry Springer' show and a secret is revealed.


It was a dark and stormy night

(01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09)

unfinished by RabidX 235 kb Gambit/Chamber
When Jono leaves Gen-X, He runs into Remy on his way to his new home.


Just Once
complete by RabidX 16 kb Gambit/Rogue
Rogue thinks about what went wrong and does the only thing she can do to apologize.


Lost & Found
complete by RabidX 89 kb Gambit/Nightcrawler
Remy and Kurt lose hope and find each other.


Nothing Else
complete by RabidX 6 kb Wolverine/Gambit/Jean Grey
Not much of one. Logan, Remy and Jean left the team behind. Set right close after the Trial of Gambit event.


Restless Hearts
complete by RabidX 127 kb Gambit/Iceman
Slash. Followed by Hearts On Fire


Hearts On Fire (1-3)
unfinished by RabidX 48 kb Gambit/Iceman
Slash. Sequel to Restless Hearts


Unusual Behavior
complete by RabidX 41 kb Iceman/OCM, Wolverine/Iceman
A Mooky boy as the X-Men have never seen him.